Research Advisory Council

For Patients and Community Members

For many people, science and medicine often feel like a mystery. It is unclear what drives the research questions that scientists ask and how the discoveries may impact a person’s daily life. The Research Advisory Council aims to bridge this gap so that patients and community members can understand the scientific process, discuss research discoveries, and help to shape the future of Meyer Cancer Center research. 

How might someone with no formal medical or scientific training help researchers? Here are just a few examples of potential impact:

  • Provide feedback on how a proposed clinical trial might affect quality of life for patients or caregivers 
  • Offer laboratory researchers perspective into what the cancer journey is like for patients and survivors
  • Suggest ways that researchers can better engage with community members on cancer prevention and screening projects

Join the Research Advisory Council to learn about the latest science from the Meyer Cancer Center and get involved in shaping research discoveries

Learn more about the expectations and how to get involved. 

Who We're Looking For

We are looking for council members that have experience with cancer – either as a patient, survivor, caregiver, or community member. No formal medical or scientific training is needed. 

Training for New Council Members

The Council will kickoff with a one month series of four training sessions, which will provide background on biomedical research. Topics might include: 

  • Introduction to Cancer and Why Community Scientists are Essential 
  • Cancer Research (understanding study design; translational research)
  • Clinical Trials (barriers to enrollment; human subjects and ethics)
  • Clinical Research Training (why statistics matter; recruitment, retention, and engagement; dissemination) 

Regular Council Activities

Once training is complete, the council will meet monthly (in-person preferred). Researchers will present new projects for feedback, as well as recent discoveries. Council members will be invited to ask questions and engage in open, informal discussion with researchers about their work. 

In addition to monthly meetings, Council members may be asked to participate in other research projects such as:

  • Review proposals for early stage research funding
  • Engage in community-based research, including letters of support for grant applications
  • Disseminate research discoveries at community events

Expected Commitment

Council members are expected to commit to at least a one year term, which is renewable. The term includes both the one month training period and monthly meetings (60-90 minutes). 

Compensation for Membership

Council members will be compensated for their time. The annual stipend for 2024 is $2750.

Join the Research Advisory Council as a patient, family member, or community stakeholder to learn about the latest science from the Meyer Cancer Center and get involved in shaping research discoveries